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Erotica Author + Fierce Feminist + Pleasure Activist

Friday, February 16, 2018

THE PLEASURE: A Weekly Sexual Liberation Web Round Up

So you can get your sex (or healing or both) on...

Read, Connect With, or Listen...

ARTICLE:  Victim Who By Karly Sciortino in VOGUE. 
Sex Journalist and Viceland SLUTEVER Host, Karly Sciortino, wrote a damn fine piece highlighting the sexual agency women do have and how society often champions the sex lives of men while correlating a woman's sex life with her virtue. Good shit. Write on. 

"I want you to know how EROTIC you are." 
Is what first hits you, bold and honestly, when you visit the website of, 
It's the gorgeous brainchild of Ev'Yan Whitney, a Sexuality Doula (how can you not want to discover the genius of this woman with a self-professed title as that?). 

This powerhouse coaches women to unlock their sexual essence to empower them to heal from the soul and womb and beyond. If your struggling with sexual trauma or feeling like a stranger in your own body, then give Ev'Yan a call (or click)

Caught in a Sexless Marriage (or long-term relationship)? Sad but true, over a third of brides don't have sex on their wedding nights, sooooo, I am guessing that this sets up an unfortunate precedent for the course of matrimony. This TED TALK, is aptly titled, No Sex Marriage - Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating, and Shame by Maureen McGrath .This TED talk will bring you comfort in knowing your not alone and just what you can do about said, no-sex in your relationship. 

I'm an automatic admirer of any woman that's a photojournalist, and while Ava Green is a figment of my erotica author friend, Tasha L. Harrison's, imagination, she is still as real as they come. 
Tasha's most recent novel is a surefire and sultry winner for the erotic fiction genre. 

Therefore, please go add, The Truth of Things, to your Kindle ASAP. (+ she's a freelance romance and erotica editor ya'll, #supportawomanownedbusiness) 

Ever wondered if there was a website solely dedicated to being your emotional BFF while navigating life after heartbreak? 
Well, whatyaknow, there is: Let's Mend
It's your space to be face in the place to walk you through this, 
"I think my heart has been ripped out" difficult time. 
What I heart about this site the most is that it is filled with stories of real life-rs, candidly sharing how they went from hurt to healed. Where in the fuck was this site four years ago when I endured some serious infidelity smh? They even have an APP
THIS article on loneliness was a gem! 

You know those moments when you want to be brutally honest with yourself about how you really need a bad boy or girl in your life? 
OK! I got you. In musical form. 

Bad Decisions by indie hottie, songstress + song writer, 
Rayana Jay, will become your new heart breaker theme song! 

Inject some sex (or sensual fun and healing) into your life this week! 

CJ Childress 

You Know You Want Some...

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